Wednesday, March 9, 2011


so i've never been a fan of "Axe" deodorant body spray. Years ago, when my brother & I lived together, he would use an entire can everyday before he left for work and I'd be stuck breathing it in for the next 8 hours as it slowly dissipated. Fast forward 7 years and one day i am awoken with burning lungs because of a smell that seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Well, it was Axe. It struck again. My husband Vince uses it and every so often I am woken up by a smell slamming me in the face like a ton of bricks. I might rather get hit with a ton of bricks, the jury is still out on that one. So this morning as Vince went to the bathroom I asked him if he could please not use the spray. He declined. I asked, "Can you at least spray it on you out on the front porch?" (i thought this was a reasonable request) Vince: (ha!) "No!!! you spray your vanilla crap and that bothers me" Me: "Well, at least shut the bathroom door after you spray yourself!" Its funny because back in 2005 when we were first dating, he bugged me about what I was wearing because he loved the smell. Who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked vanilla cupcakes? because that's what my body spray (Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace) smells like! Its great. And its non aerosol so it doesn't burn the lungs. He's crazy talking. He likes it, he just doesn't want to admit it because his spray smells like something a horny college kid would spray on himself before he goes to a Frat party.

And his Axe is called "music"....i don't get it. it also has "VIP access" printed on the bottle. VIP access to where? some hoochie mama's pants? It makes no sense. I wish I could add a smell to my blog, but I can't. So, until then, just pictures.

Don't let your husband buy this stuff, unless you like not being able to breathe clearly.


  1. You should make a label of your own and paste it on his axe spray. Titles I like are:
    Ball Sack
    Grandma's Cooter
    15 year old's arm pitz

  2. I dont think there is any sent of Axe that is good. John uses it too and it is super strong! He doesn't use a lot, its just crazy strong! I think its made for college kids to cover up the puke and pot smell of the party the night before. I think it should be banned for guys over 24!

  3. No one over 24 should wear it -- agreed!!
